2021 Innovation Competition Judges Information
Preliminary Round Information: You will be receiving an email from Rick Neff on Monday, March 22nd with a packt for the category you are judging. The packet will include links to the teams slide deck, video pitch, and executive summary, as well as a link to the preliminary round judging and feedback form. Please complete the form for each team an return by the end of the day on Wednesday March 24th.
Preliminary Round Judging Form: https://forms.gle/k8thm2xPF5cqEk3w5
Finals Information: The Finals will be live via Zoom on Friday, March 26th from 3-5 PM. Please sign on to the Zoom link below at 3:00. Teams will have 10 minutes to present their venture, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A from the Judges. You will complete the Finals judging form (below) which has a section for each team presenting. Additional feedback for the team is optional.
Zoom Link for finals: https://albany.zoom.us/my/rneff
Finals Judging Form: https://forms.gle/CRWYjGSrgf4ATxzu9