Pitch Deck Templates

Pitch.com. Pitch combines the best parts of productivity, design, and presentation software to help fast moving teams create beautifully designed decks in minutes.


“How to Pitch a VC” by Dave McClure, redesigned by Slides That Rock


Pitch Deck template from leading Silicon Valley VC firm Sequoia Capital


2016 New York Business Plan Competition Pitch Deck Templates with notes from Rick Neff


How to “Pitch an Angel” from Slides that Rock

Direct Link: https://www.slideshare.net/slidesthatrock/how-to-pitch-an-angel


LinkedIn Series B Pitch Deck

Direct Link: https://www.slideshare.net/webjoe/linkedin-deck-27367069


MixPAnel PitchDeck

The pitch deck that led to a $65M round and the $865M valuation for the startup.


Facebook’s original pitch deck from 2004.


Competition Slides

Different Ways to show your competition during a pitch.