BYOB Tip #2- Explained

“Surround yourself with people who you can learn from”

Learning from others consists of a multitude of factors such as what to do, what not to do, what to change, where to go, what to try, etc. Everyone you meet has something valuable to teach you but how effective it is, is completely up to you. 

You may have a line-up of friends, family, and acquaintances who you find yourself coming into contact with every day but may find it hard to relate with. This can be for a series of reasons such as not having the same goals, seeing things differently, or just not liking the same things. Our advice is don't ditch those around you but surround yourself with more people who can learn from. 

We revert back to starting a business, you may know what you want to do but not know where to begin. There is an abundance of resources that are there to help you whether it be a mentor, friends who have started a business, or even workshops/classes on business start-ups. These are people you may want to gather information from and hold close for future references, people who essentially have/had the same goals you do.

If you’re a student on campus consider joining clubs that relate to your interests, for example, ‘Delta Sigma Pi’ is an international coed professional fraternity focusing on the study of business. This is a group of students around the same age who are there for the same reason you are, talk to them, share your interest and ideas, these are people who you can learn from and can continue expanding interests with. 

Overall when possible surround yourself with people who aspire you to be better, show you new heights, uplift you, and give you solid benchmarks for success!

-Amanda Alvarez