The MASH Card wins Second Annual Blackstone LaunchPad Business Plan Competition

On Friday, April 21st, The MASH Card participated in the second annual Blackstone LaunchPad Business Plan Competition at the University at Albany. Experience has definitely paid off, and after failing to qualify to the final round a year ago, The MASH Card team was able to beat the other 22 competitors and win this year's title.

After finishing only 10th in last year's competition, The MASH Card team was determined to learn from their mistakes and work hard on improving their company's business model.

Jan Woodcock, the executive director of Blackstone LaunchPad was one of the people who contributed to the change. "It is very satisfying to witness first hand the growth and development of MASH. After last year, the team took every advice the judges gave them, went back to the drawing board, and with our help here at Blackstone, were able to pivot their company to the place they are in today."

Rick Neff, the entrepreneur in Residence congratulated the team for winning 1st place at this year’s UAlbany Startup Competition. "Their success at the competition is a direct result of their hard work and continuous learning and improvement both personally and professionally. Seeing every challenge as an opportunity to grow, and epitomizing the hustle that is necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur alongside their work ethic, events, charity, and internship program, have inspired many other students to pursue entrepreneurship."

Woodcock and Neff with The MASH Card team during the event

 Emil Onzo, one of the team members who pitched in this year's competition had this to say, "I'm very excited to be the one of the two who stepped to the plate this time. Even though I joined just a few months ago, everyone believed in me to bring home the win. Coming in, I was a bit nervous because it was my first time pitching in a contest such as this, but knowing that my team had my back no matter what, made it much easier."

Ben Refael, the Co-Founder and COO of The MASH Card summed up the event by stating: "It was a great day for the MASH Card team. While also clinching the first place, we got to see our entire team's development and reap the fruit of our hard labor. I am proud of all 19 team members, and can't wait for what the future has in store for us."